


​​ Father / Son, glove doctors;

 we enjoy complex repairs,   tightening, & conditioning.  Expedited service, competitive   prices, & 40+ years of combined   experience, is why the site ranks   #1 in Ohio, & Top 10 in the nation.

 Brandon DeHass

 1926 Wildwood Drive

 Grand Prairie, TX  75050     

 330-473-3588 (c)​       

​ DHass41@icloud.com​​



 Don DeHass

 8708 Belworth Square

 New Albany, OH  43054​      

 330-231-7133 (c)​       

​ DHass22@yahoo.com


 Most customers come to New   Albany, but within a 50 mile   radius;  Polaris, Easton, OSU,   Dublin, Hilliard, Newark, Marion,   MtVernon, Mansfield, Millersburg,   etc.  Very flexible; call today for a   'mitt meeting'.​​

Cuba & Venezuela

'The Great Commission', Matthew 28:16-20, inquire about how you can assist in making these trips a reality.

Dominican Republic

11 glove mission trips to the Dominican; I have a big heart for this baseball crazy country!  


  1.  #OutsideOhio?

 Ship your glove to us; then we'll   return ship within 24 hours after

 it's in our possession, or the   service is FREE.  High quality,   expedited returns, are our   specialty.  Include a prepaid,   return ship label.


​  Quick Fix:  $27, repair a broken   lace route, in any area.


 Complete Relace: All 10 lace   routes relaced.  $65 for typical   infield, $95 for complex gloves;   C, 1B, large OF, & trapeze webs.

 Glove Break-In Service:

 Inquire for details.

~ All above prices cover   travel to meeting points,   choice of lace color(s),   tightening, & conditioning.